Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Excursions Part 1 (National Parks)

In addition to my love of photography, I also enjoy traveling. The two really go hand in hand.  I would like to share some of my most memorable places, so for this "Part 1", I will focus on a few of the National Parks I've visited.  

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana

I would like to start with Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Since this is my first, and most visited, I will list it first.  I live within 30 minutes of this beautiful and therapeutic beach which is located on Lake Michigan aprox. 20 miles from Chicago, IL (you can see Chicago from the West Beach and Chesterton Beach locations)

This is one of my go-to places whenever I'm feeling down, or just whenever I need a break.  Don't get me wrong, it is also great to go to with friends-so don't hesitate to ask them to come along (just be careful when running down the doesn't take much to trip and start the summer-salts down the rest of the way).

Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky

A few years ago, I went on a cave trip. I visited ~10 caves from southern Indiana to Kentucky.  Each cave was unique and interesting, however there was something that set Mammoth Cave apart from the rest. It is the largest explored cave system in the WORLD! (there are also unexplored parts- which creep me out thanks to the movie The Decent).  Mammoth Cave is like a whole other world.  There are so many sights to see, but the one I would like to share is this cricket.  When I was taking pictures in this part of the cave (with low ceiling), I saw something above our heads. I used my flash to get a better look- you should have seen how many people ran! Rightfully so, I guess, these things were about 4+ inches long.  We thought they were spiders, until we looked at the pics on my laptop. I wonder how my bearded dragon would have reacted to these giant ones.

Statue of Liberty National Monument, New York

When I went to New York back in 2005, my flight was almost cancelled due to a blizzard. When I arrived, I was pleased to enjoy weather in the 70's. Getting to explore without lugging around a massive coat is the best! However, 2 days later, the 70's dropped down to 12, so I had to break out the heavy coat after all.  I boarded the boat to the Statue of Liberty shaking from the cold, but as soon as I saw the statue, it was hard to concentrate on the cold.  Although since 9-11 the statue itself is closed to climb to the top, it was definitely worth every second of traveling in the freezing weather. Oh yeah- there are a lot of seagulls in New York.

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

I went to Las Vegas for a wedding on a weekend, and decided to drive out to Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks in Utah. The weather in Las Vegas in early November was ~80 degrees.  Zion was in the 70's and Bryce was in the 50's.  Though the 50's sounds cool, I was able to hike the day in two shirts and a hoodie.  I just  had a pair of thin gloves to take pics and some kleenex in my camera bag.
I usually don't like to include pictures of myself in blogs, but I figured this one is ok. :)
Generally when you're hiking around, you should take note of potential threats.  I knew the southwest was covered in rattlesnakes, but it never occurred to me to watch out for mountain lions or bears. Whoops. I guess I got lucky.  Another thing- it is VERY easy to slip and fall down a canyon- the ground is dry dust and tiny pebbles. Warning: Do NOT get close to the edge.

Zion National Park, Utah

Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon National Park are within a couple of hours drive, yet they are completely different.  Zion is full of color ranging from yellow/green grass to brown trees, red rocks, and blue sky and water.  It is full of life and an Eden of itself. As I was hiking along, (again not thinking at all of any potential threats) I turned a corner and became a bit close to a rather large buck (yes-antlers). I stepped back a bit & he went back to his dinner, so I snapped a few pics.  It was interesting to see how different the deer in Utah were as compared to the ones I have back home in Indiana.  My deer have short hair and seemed dainty compared to these large, furry monsters. Nevertheless, I will go again- but I will bring waders to walk to the Narrows.

Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii

With the crazy price of a wedding these days, my sister decided to elope.  Imagine my surprise when she asked me to take her pictures. Hee hee- oh darn, a trip to Hawaii! We stayed on Kauai, but I took a day and went out to the Big Island. This is a picture of me fooling around in Mt. Kilauea. (underneath my left foot is a gaping hole into the hot abyss called death- remember how my spider sense is broken)
My only regret with visiting the Big Island is that I only allowed myself one day to explore.  On my next visit I will stay on the Big Island for sure.

Acadia National Park, Maine

I have always wanted to visit Maine.  I had some vacation time in May and the the flight prices were fabulous.  Well, it was because the open season started the week after I went.  Everything was closed, except beautiful Acadia National Park- there were no boats to go to the islands around, which I had wanted to do. Furthermore, I didn't get to see any wildlife beyond a red squirrel, many crows, and swarms of biting flies similar to the mosquito. A couple of good things about going off season was that there were no other people there to walk into my shots, no cars driving straight for me, and lot of peace and quiet. I will have to go again on open season to truly enjoy Acadia full of life and to see the moose, seals, puffins...etc.

I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of My Excursions.  If you want to go & take pictures for yourself, visit the National Parks Service website at

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Tribute to Kid A- The Best Beardie Ever

I like to take pictures...ALOT. While taking pictures of my bearded dragon, Kid A, I noticed that he seemed to pose for me. I started picking up little hats for him to take pictures with & would like to share some of my favorites.

For the most part, they are holiday centered, so I put them in chronological order.

Valentines Day
(The heart was attached to an old stuffed animal I won in one of those crance machines)

St. Patrick's Day
(This hat is one of two types- there is also a suede one)

(This "hat" was from a catnip toy)

(This hat & Cape combo was from a doll at Jo-Ann Fabrics. The broom was separate)

(Following the trend- this was cut off of a doll purchased @ Jo-Ann's)
P.S. Jo-Ann's really has a great holiday section

(Santa's hat was part of a catnip combo... there is also a blue one)

Just For Fun
*Any female from the 80's will know exactly where the NKOTB hat came from ;)

Kid A was the best bearded dragon ever! I miss you buddy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Chicken "Fried" Rice

This recipe is one that I use quite frequently.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. :)

You will need:
~1 pound of Boneless, Skinless White Meat Chicken
Shredded carrots (about two handfuls)
2-3 Stalks of Fresh Broccoli
8 oz Fresh White Button Mushrooms
1 cup of Brown or White Rice
~2-3 Tbsp Reduced Sodium Soy Sauce (as desired)

  • Start by cooking the rice as directed per box/bag
  • While the rice is cooking, cut the chicken into 1/2 inch cubes and cook on medium heat in a covered large pan with enough soy sauce to lightly coat the chicken (~1 Tbsp)

  • Slice the mushrooms and cut the broccoli into desired sizes

  • Once the chicken is cooked through, add the vegetables and cook with lid on until vegetables are slightly tender

  • Add 1 Tbsp soy sauce and stir

  • Mix in rice or serve on rice

*Recipes are never set in stone...feel free to substitute and add items to your liking. You'll never know unless you try it.